Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Friday, 4 October 2019
Add tinymce editor in html.
Add tinymce editor in html .
<script src="https://cloud.tinymce.com/stable/tinymce.min.js?apiKey=it4zoxdg71l304mwi6vi3bsu9i21oetwz5tf3r5tfldqecbk"></script>Based on ID
selector: '#shaons'
Based on Class
tinymce.init({selector: '.standard-editor'
create unique page url slug in laravel.
Create unique page url slug in laravel.
public function createSlug($title, $id = 0)
// Normalize the title
$slug = str_slug($title);
// Get any that could possibly be related.
// This cuts the queries down by doing it once.
$allSlugs = $this->getRelatedSlugs($slug, $id);
// If we haven't used it before then we are all good.
if (! $allSlugs->contains('singleurl', $slug)){
return $slug;
// Just append numbers like a savage until we find not used.
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$newSlug = $slug.'-'.$i;
if (! $allSlugs->contains('singleurl', $newSlug)) {
return $newSlug;
throw new \Exception('Can not create a unique slug');
protected function getRelatedSlugs($slug, $id = 0)
return Blog::select('singleurl')->where('singleurl', 'like', $slug.'%')
->where('id', '<>', $id)
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Git Commands
Git Commands
Getting & Creating Projects
Command | Description |
git init | Initialize a local Git repository |
git clone ssh://git@github.com/[username]/[repository-name].git | Create a local copy of a remote repository |
Basic Snapshotting
Command | Description |
git status | Check status |
git add [file-name.txt] | Add a file to the staging area |
git add -A | Add all new and changed files to the staging area |
git commit -m "[commit message]" | Commit changes |
git rm -r [file-name.txt] | Remove a file (or folder) |
Branching & Merging
Command | Description |
git branch | List branches (the asterisk denotes the current branch) |
git branch -a | List all branches (local and remote) |
git branch [branch name] | Create a new branch |
git branch -d [branch name] | Delete a branch |
git push origin --delete [branch name] | Delete a remote branch |
git checkout -b [branch name] | Create a new branch and switch to it |
git checkout -b [branch name] origin/[branch name] | Clone a remote branch and switch to it |
git checkout [branch name] | Switch to a branch |
git checkout - | Switch to the branch last checked out |
git checkout -- [file-name.txt] | Discard changes to a file |
git merge [branch name] | Merge a branch into the active branch |
git merge [source branch] [target branch] | Merge a branch into a target branch |
git stash | Stash changes in a dirty working directory |
git stash clear | Remove all stashed entries |
Sharing & Updating Projects
Command | Description |
git push origin [branch name] | Push a branch to your remote repository |
git push -u origin [branch name] | Push changes to remote repository (and remember the branch) |
git push | Push changes to remote repository (remembered branch) |
git push origin --delete [branch name] | Delete a remote branch |
git pull | Update local repository to the newest commit |
git pull origin [branch name] | Pull changes from remote repository |
git remote add origin ssh://git@github.com/[username]/[repository-name].git | Add a remote repository |
git remote set-url origin ssh://git@github.com/[username]/[repository-name].git | Set a repository's origin branch to SSH |
Inspection & Comparison
Command | Description |
git log | View changes |
git log --summary | View changes (detailed) |
git diff [source branch] [target branch] | Preview changes before merging |
Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Get total sum in foreach loop in laravel blade file.
$user->amount = "you want to get sum of balance"
@php(@$total += $user->amount)
You can use $total variable.
Thursday, 27 June 2019
Preview an image before it is uploaded.
manjeet is id input type image , you want to show "image"
onchange="document.getElementById('manjeet').src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0])"
onchange="document.getElementById('manjeet').src = window.URL.createObjectURL(this.files[0])"
Friday, 14 June 2019
How to integration Razorpay paymet method .
<button id="rzp-button1"><p>Pay with Razorpay</p>
<script src="https://checkout.razorpay.com/v1/checkout.js"></script>
var options = {
"key": "rzp_live_dk2jtJQUNH81P5",
"amount": "10000", // = INR 1
"name": "Manjeet Kashyap",
"description": "A Wild Sheep Chase is the third novel by Japanese author Haruki Murakami",
"image": "https://cdn.razorpay.com/logos/7K3b6d18wHwKzL_medium.png",
"handler": function (response){
"prefill": {
"name": "Gaurav Kumar",
"email": "gaurav.kumar@razorpay.com"
"notes": {
"address": "note value"
"theme": {
"color": "#6A59CE"
var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);
document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){
<script src="https://checkout.razorpay.com/v1/checkout.js"></script>
var options = {
"key": "rzp_live_dk2jtJQUNH81P5",
"amount": "10000", // = INR 1
"name": "Manjeet Kashyap",
"description": "A Wild Sheep Chase is the third novel by Japanese author Haruki Murakami",
"image": "https://cdn.razorpay.com/logos/7K3b6d18wHwKzL_medium.png",
"handler": function (response){
"prefill": {
"name": "Gaurav Kumar",
"email": "gaurav.kumar@razorpay.com"
"notes": {
"address": "note value"
"theme": {
"color": "#6A59CE"
var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options);
document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
Round off decimal values in jquery using toFixed funtion.
Round off decimal values in jquery :
Before Output : 10
var total = 10;
var total = total.toFixed(2);
After useing function : 10.00
Javascript function to convert color names to hex codes
convert hex codes to color name :
Step: 1 create manjeet.js file
var ntc = {
init: function() {
var color, rgb, hsl;
for(var i = 0; i < ntc.names.length; i++)
color = "#" + ntc.names[i][0];
rgb = ntc.rgb(color);
hsl = ntc.hsl(color);
ntc.names[i].push(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], hsl[0], hsl[1], hsl[2]);
name: function(color) {
color = color.toUpperCase();
if(color.length < 3 || color.length > 7)
return ["#000000", "Invalid Color: " + color, false];
if(color.length % 3 == 0)
color = "#" + color;
if(color.length == 4)
color = "#" + color.substr(1, 1) + color.substr(1, 1) + color.substr(2, 1) + color.substr(2, 1) + color.substr(3, 1) + color.substr(3, 1);
var rgb = ntc.rgb(color);
var r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2];
var hsl = ntc.hsl(color);
var h = hsl[0], s = hsl[1], l = hsl[2];
var ndf1 = 0; ndf2 = 0; ndf = 0;
var cl = -1, df = -1;
for(var i = 0; i < ntc.names.length; i++)
if(color == "#" + ntc.names[i][0])
return ["#" + ntc.names[i][0], ntc.names[i][1], true];
ndf1 = Math.pow(r - ntc.names[i][2], 2) + Math.pow(g - ntc.names[i][3], 2) + Math.pow(b - ntc.names[i][4], 2);
ndf2 = Math.pow(h - ntc.names[i][5], 2) + Math.pow(s - ntc.names[i][6], 2) + Math.pow(l - ntc.names[i][7], 2);
ndf = ndf1 + ndf2 * 2;
if(df < 0 || df > ndf)
df = ndf;
cl = i;
return (cl < 0 ? ["#000000", "Invalid Color: " + color, false] : ["#" + ntc.names[cl][0], ntc.names[cl][1], false]);
// adopted from: Farbtastic 1.2
// http://acko.net/dev/farbtastic
hsl: function (color) {
var rgb = [parseInt('0x' + color.substring(1, 3)) / 255, parseInt('0x' + color.substring(3, 5)) / 255, parseInt('0x' + color.substring(5, 7)) / 255];
var min, max, delta, h, s, l;
var r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2];
min = Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b));
max = Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b));
delta = max - min;
l = (min + max) / 2;
s = 0;
if(l > 0 && l < 1)
s = delta / (l < 0.5 ? (2 * l) : (2 - 2 * l));
h = 0;
if(delta > 0)
if (max == r && max != g) h += (g - b) / delta;
if (max == g && max != b) h += (2 + (b - r) / delta);
if (max == b && max != r) h += (4 + (r - g) / delta);
h /= 6;
return [parseInt(h * 255), parseInt(s * 255), parseInt(l * 255)];
// adopted from: Farbtastic 1.2
// http://acko.net/dev/farbtastic
rgb: function(color) {
return [parseInt('0x' + color.substring(1, 3)), parseInt('0x' + color.substring(3, 5)), parseInt('0x' + color.substring(5, 7))];
names: [
["000000", "Black"],
["000080", "Navy Blue"],
["0000C8", "Dark Blue"],
["0000FF", "Blue"],
["000741", "Stratos"],
["EB9373", "Apricot"],
["EBC2AF", "Zinnwaldite"],
["ECA927", "Fuel Yellow"],
["FFFFFF", "White"]
/* you can use following code in js */
var n_match = ntc.name("#6195ED");
n_name = n_match[1]; // This is the text string for the name of the match
Wednesday, 25 July 2018
Load more button in jquery (listing)
Load more button in jquery (listing)
$rowperpage = 6;
$allcount = $allcount_fetch['allcount']; // all record
<div class="post" id="post_(parameter)">
content here
<input type="hidden" id="row" value="0">
<input type="hidden" id="all" value="<?php echo $allcount; ?>">
<section class="blog_posts_view">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 text-center">
<button type="button" class="btn hvr-bounce-to-right load-more">view more</button>
var row = Number($('#row').val());
var allcount = Number($('#all').val());
row = row + 6;
if(row <= allcount){
url: 'getData.php',
type: 'post',
data: {row:row},
success: function(response){
setTimeout(function() {
var rowno = row + 6;
if(rowno > allcount){
//$('.load-more').text("Hide Post");
// $('.load-more').css("background","darkorchid");
$(".load-more").text("View more");
}, 2000);
setTimeout(function() {
$('.load-more').text("View more");
}, 2000);
$rowperpage = 6;
$allcount = $allcount_fetch['allcount']; // all record
<div class="post" id="post_(parameter)">
content here
<input type="hidden" id="row" value="0">
<input type="hidden" id="all" value="<?php echo $allcount; ?>">
<section class="blog_posts_view">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12 text-center">
<button type="button" class="btn hvr-bounce-to-right load-more">view more</button>
var row = Number($('#row').val());
var allcount = Number($('#all').val());
row = row + 6;
if(row <= allcount){
url: 'getData.php',
type: 'post',
data: {row:row},
success: function(response){
setTimeout(function() {
var rowno = row + 6;
if(rowno > allcount){
//$('.load-more').text("Hide Post");
// $('.load-more').css("background","darkorchid");
$(".load-more").text("View more");
}, 2000);
setTimeout(function() {
$('.load-more').text("View more");
}, 2000);
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